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Drake Dismissed From Lawsuits Over Astroworld Tragedy

Drake Dismissed From Lawsuits Over Astroworld Tragedy

A judge has dismissed hip-hop superstar Drake from multiple lawsuits over the tragedy at the Astroworld festival in November 2021 that resulted in the deaths of ten people and left several hundreds injured. State District Judge Kristen Hawkins dismissed Drake from the case in a brief order. The judge also dismissed Epic Records, concert promoter…More

Dua Lipa Shares Video For New Single ‘Illusion’

Dua Lipa Shares Video For New Single ‘Illusion’

Dua Lipa recently released a video for “Illusion,” the third single from her upcoming album, Radical Optimism. The music video, directed by Tanu Muino, shows Lipa alongside a slew of dancers, high divers and synchronized swimmers at the Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc in Barcelona, Spain. Lipa co-wrote “Illusion” with Caroline Ailin, Danny L. Harle, Tobias…More

Chloe Bailey Drops Liberating New Single ‘Boy Bye’

Chloe Bailey Drops Liberating New Single ‘Boy Bye’

Chloe Bailey recently released a new single, “Boy Bye,” along with an accompanying video. “‘Boy Bye’ is an anthem for anyone who needs to get rid of someone toxic and draining from their life. It’s liberating and free, ” Chloe said about the song. “That’s how it feels to finally let go of the dead…More



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