
Tough Football Weekend
WELP the Little Rock game sucked. The Hogs made a bit of a comeback after being down 38-6 at halftime in War Memorial Stadium, but still lost 45-32. Apparently Heather’s son had a tough weekend of football, too. She had some issues with the referee of his game who made a couple of questionable calls that resulted in touchdowns for the other team and her son’s team losing.
I told her the same thing happened to my soccer team a couple of weeks ago where bad calls lead to goals and even a couple of my teammates being ejected. Heather was frustrated in the lack of honesty from the other team and parents, but Poolboy and I said that’s a lot to ask and that if players are on the good end of a bad call they probably won’t go against the ref. She hated having to explain it to her kids, but at the same time that’s a lesson they needed to learn, too. Has this ever happened to your kids while playing sports? How do you explain sportsmanship and honesty in that situation? What’s the worst referee moment you’ve experienced?

Lie To Your Kids
Speaking of parents and honesty… Pool found a list of the best lies parents have told their children. There are some pretty great ones in there. We got a ton of calls and texts about this that have lead me to believe there are some hilariously devious and clever parents in central Arkansas. One mom told her kids those red lights in the sky on planes or towers were Rudolph and Santa making sure they were behaving. Another told her daughter her head would flash when she lied while another told her daughter her tongue would turn black if she lied. One told her daughter there was a monster in her nose that would bite her finger if she picked her nose-and it worked! And apparently multiple parents said they’ve told their kids the ice cream man only plays his music when he’s out of ice cream! Mean but brilliant. What lies have your parents told you? What lies do you tell your kids? I don’t know how open I’ll be with my children, but I probably won’t be this honest (slightly NSFW).

Top Halloween Costumes
Heather found the list of the most searched Halloween costumes so far this year. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the most searched on Yahoo overall and is the fourth highest one for kids (there’s a decent chance I will go as Raphael this year). Of course Frozen’s Elsa and Anna are both looking popular as well as the good ole regular pirate costume. What’re you going as this year? If you see me on Halloween I’ll probably be doing this.


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