
Arkansas In Lists
Unfortunately, Arkansas has found itself high on a list of something we don’t want to be on. We have been named the third least educated state in America. Sigh. After Little Rock being named the most dangerous city in the USA, having the third worst quality of life and being the 45th ranked state based on happiness and well being, we had to find something good to say about the state. Heather and Poolboy tasked me with finding Arkansas in the top 3 of a positive list. I found one from last year that’s pretty cool- Little Rock was named by Kiplinger Magazine as the top place to live in 2013! And one from this year that’s, uh… cool too, I guess-Little Rock was named the #3 under-the-radar tech hub city in America. Wahoo! Poolboy said it best, though, it doesn’t matter what the lists say: we love our state and we don’t want to live anywhere else. What’s your least favorite thing about Arkansas? And your favorite thing?

Skillz That Killz
Poolboy got to wondering what attracted his wife to him (we all wonder this). As Napoleon Dynamite said, girls like guys with skills. Pool said he’s not totally sure what kind of skills he has that would have attracted Jenny. Thankfully, he found a list of skills that women find sexy. A lot of texts and calls came in and agreed with some of the obvious ones on the list like playing an instrument, being handy and knowing how to fix a car. Many others said they like when a man has good hunting skills (cuz we’re in Arkansas, duh) and plenty mentioned being a good dad is a very attractive skill. All these things just made me realize how lucky I am to have gotten a wife at all, because I have none of these skills. What skills in men do you find attractive?

Fair Game
Today we played “In The Clown’s Mouth” for fair passes. I was the clown… H&Pb each took a turn shooting water into my mouth and whoever got more in there won for their listener. All I got was pointy nipples and pee pants. Check out the video. And suggest any other fair games we could play!

Quote of the Day
“It’s a pump action”-Poolboy

Get your goosebumps ready because tomorrow is THRILLER THURSDAY (like you didn’t know). Cya then!


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